Was on September 1st, and it was a really great day. When I woke up early, the children were downstairs and both wished me a happy birthday. Went back to bed for a while, then we got up for the day. When I was in the bathroom getting ready, Nid was preparing a surprise for me. I came into the dining room, and there were presents! I really was not expecting anything. Nid had already pre-ordered me a book that I really wanted, so I was shocked when I walked in the room and they were all standing there. I got three of the sweetest cards ever (they made me cry!) and presents from each.Nid got me a bottle of wine, because I had mentioned a few weeks ago that I missed having wine. Briony got me a faux leather pencil cup and Cale got me a stapler. These were the perfect gifts, because I was using a silverwear drainer I found when I moved here for a pencil cup and I'd been wanting a stapler for ages, to help keep all the bills and papers organized. They were just perfect! And they look so great sitting on my new desk.
I spent a good part of the day reading. I've been bad about not finishing this book I have and I wanted to get it done. I didn't, but it was a good relaxing day anyway. After lunch, a friend from York called and said she was in Nottingham and would like to stop by with her boyfriend. We spent the afternoon chatting away, and it was quite nice. We're going to visit them in October, so this was a great catch up day.
After dinner, I went online and checked all my emails and facebook comments wishing me a happy birthday. I'd been getting text messages all day, every time someone commented on my wall, but it was really good to see them all right there as well. I had been a little worried that it wouldn't be a great day, simply because I was here, and wouldn't be talking to all my friends and family like I normally would on my birthday. But they really showed me a lot of love and support across the distance, and it meant a lot to me.
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