She sent Twinkies, because Nid had never had one and we had seen a few references to Twinkies in movies/tv lately. She also sent a number of Hershey's products (can't get any of them here) and GRAPE JELLY!
This is what he had to say after having his very first Twinkie: "I could eat these all day."
Well it looks like he has 9 more to devour! Jenny, you better get you one while you still have a chance. Twinkie's and a glass of milk....hard to beat! And you can give your friend my address anytime you want. LOL
I just went down to the Hershey store on Michigan Avenue in Chicago and bought lovely gifts to send to England. I do realise that's a bit like sending coals to Newcastle when you think of the quality of English chocolate (wink) but the novely value is great.
You can sometimes find Hershey's products at Aldi. . . we got a bunch of Reese's peanut butter cups there right before Halloween! =) Enjoy your US goodies!
The corner store sometimes has the peanut butter cups. The owner shops at Aldi, I bet that's where he gets them from. Thanks for the tip Erin. :)
David - He doesn't get them all! I've split everything with him 50/50, except the AirHeads, I don't care for them so much. We're going to share the Twinkies with the kids, too. That's how great we are as parents ;)
Expat Mum - That was very nice of you! I went to Hershey Pennsylvania when I was little. I was too young to appreciate it, but I do have a picture of little ole me with a GIANT bar of chocolate that my parents bought me. You can't underestimate the value of a novelty gift. And who knows, maybe they'll like it better (or just as much - like my family does).
Erin - Thanks, we'll definitely have to make a stop by there sometime soon.
ooooh grape jelly... wants
So jealous! Looks amazing. I have to admit, Reeses are my favorite and I have found some here, but haven't bought any yet. You've inspired me.
Colleen - There are very few staple items that I miss. Of course I miss the sweets and snack foods (in general I don't care for what I've found here), but I can live without snacks. But I have got to have my grape jelly! I've had three different people send me it, and I make sure to make it last. Both because it costs so darn much to ship and because I want it to always be special.
TheLadyWhoLunches - It was amazing. I've got some of the best friends and family. You've found Reeses here? Probably a good thing I haven't :)
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