Today they left to go to their other grandparents (Grandma and Taid) house for the summer. But before they headed off, we took some family photos. It started out as a thank you for our friend Alicia, who sent us goodies last week, but it turned into just a fun morning. We'll definitely have to do it again sometime. The full photo album is at my photos site.

Do I see a bag of jolly ranchers tucked in there? Mmmmmmmm! Watermelon is my FAVE! Lucky you!
Thanks for visiting my blog. As I said there, live in the moment. Even if you know you're not in the UK forever, make your little space in the UK as pleasant and wonderful as you can. What's a week of hassle getting things packed or sold on eBay compared to 5 years of enjoying your time!? When you're a lot older you'll look back on your time in the UK and be pleased you've made the most of it...
Keep stopping by, it would be good to hear more from you!
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