This past week we went to two mattress stores that were within walking distance of the house. The first store had looked like a good one from the bus a few weeks ago. Lots of beds visible from the front window. However, when we got there, most of them were covered in plastic. So it was impossible to test them to see what they were like.

This is what that store looked like. The second store... wow. Well, it had lots of beds. And on the beds were mattresses (in plastic). But on top of the beds and mattresses were stacked other beds and mattresses. There were three that were propped up against the wall, representing the three different qualities that they had to offer. But the room was so crowded you couldn't have laid them down anywhere to try them out. So we were bust... UNTIL... !

Talk about a bed fit for a Princess!
That was right before the thunder and lightening storm.. Oh, don't forget the hail, which had us running through the street and taking shelter in a covered alleyway until it let up enough for us to get home. We were cold and SOAKED!
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