Third times a charm for Random Tuesday Thoughts, I think. My last two were alright, but todays randomness is bril :)
2009. Pronounced two thousand nine.
2010. Pronounced twenty ten.
This is currently driving me mad! I do concede that prior to the 2000s, we did say (1999) nineteen ninety nine, and not nineteen hundred ninety nine. And that changed in 1910, because prior to that they would have said nineteen hundred and nine, because nineteen nine is silly. As is twenty nine. But still, it is bothering me way more than it should. I do know this. But knowing it does not prevent it apparently.

This morning we were going to Asda to do some shopping. It was pretty early, and I knew I'd get hungry later on, so I fixed a cheese, onion, and mayo sandwich on a whole wheat burger bun for breakfast. Because that didn't seem very breakfasty, I had a side of potato salad so it would seem more lunch like.
Over the counter drugs in the UK. Okay, so this bit started out as random, but has moved on to a rant now that I've investigated the subject enough to somewhat knowledgeably speak on the topic. Apparently there were a lot of suicide attempt using the drug paracetamol (known as acetaminophen/Tylenol in the US) in the past. Prior to moving here, it would never have occurred to me that someone would do that. I know a bit about Tylenol. I personally love it, as it's easier on my stomach than ibuprofen. I know that you shouldn't take it for a hangover as alcohol and acetaminophen are not a good combination for your liver. I know that acetaminophen toxicity in cats is a real problem. But suicide? I never would have thought it. But there you go, it's a fact of life here. So the people in charge got together and said that paracetamol cannot be sold in packets of more than 16 (unless you get it from behind the counter from a Pharmacist I've heard. They've also put this restriction on ibuprofin. Now, I've been known to take my fair share of otc pills. I get headaches regularly, my back has issues off and on, just general aches and pains. Knowing about this restriction, I brought over with me two 500 count bottles of ibuprofen. Which have since run out, so now we're buying little boxes of pills, and it always seems we are running out. It's such a pain. I looked it up, and found that right after the pill restriction, there were 21% less fatalities as a result of overdose. There was a decrease in non-fatal overdoses of the drug. Also, there were less liver transplants. According to this article, people were also overdosing on aspirin products. A later article about a study showed that after the initial decrease in these cases, the rates have now come back and passed the previous numbers of over doses. But we still can't buy 500 count bottles. For the record, it is not my intention to offend or upset anyone who has had to deal with suicide. It is a horrible thing, to be sure. It just doesn't make sense to restrict this drug in this way. It doesn't even work well. And for the record to those of you outside the UK, I've heard that you can buy paracetamol with codeine at the pharmacy, without a prescription. 5-10% of codeine metabolizes into morphine. And if you want a bunch, you just hit up a bunch of pharmacies, don't you? Seems like that's a worse thing to have easy access to, to me.
For more randomness, hop on over to Keely's blog at The Un-Mom.
Sure wish our schools would have an automated line like yours.
Have a great Random Tuesday.
This is about the 15th post showing chocolate that I've read today and I'm about to gnaw my arm off. Wah.
Oh my gosh, Twenty-Ten is driving me NUTS!!
And I'm sure they actually must've said Nineteen-oh-nine, don't you think??? And Twenty-oh-nine sounds downright stupid. :)
omg I LOVE chocolate with maps! You're right, they should all have them. I didn't even get any this year.
The Tylenol thing is odd. And annoying. You can't buy T3s (the ones with codeine) here (Canada) without a prescription, but all those other things come in big honkin' bottles. Personally I imagine if someone really wants to commit suicide, they'll find a way.
I am Harriet - Found out something interesting today. I called the school, and they don't EVER change the message if there is bad weather. We have to check the website or listen to the radio. Good to know.
Julie - Hope your arm survived the night :)
Aimee - I'm glad I'm not the only one! And you are so right about 1909, I missed that one.
Keely - It can't cost that much more to make the maps. I always chose the ones that I know have them, because there's nothing worse than biting in only to find out it's disgusting. Especially when there are other people around.
In the US you have to have a prescription as well for T3. It's so much more economical and convenient to buy 500.
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